Prajeme všetko najlepšie!
Pozrite si videá, ktoré nám poslali Vaši kolegovia, poistitelia, aj klienti:
Niektoré videá sme museli kvôli dĺžke skrátiť, alebo sa nám do celkového videa nezmestili. Pokiaľ ich chcete všetky dopozerať, tak ich sledujte tu:
Kolega Igor Soviček sa pridal s písomným prianím:
Dear Friends,
to sustain the business for 20 years and keep growing and improving yourselves and your service is a big achievement. We are proud that we are a part of the same family - Renomia family - and feel privileged to have you as partners, colleagues and friends. In the name of all of us from DPS Renomia, we wish you the best of luck in the future and we don’t have any doubts that you will keep improving yourselves and developing your esteemed company even further. Congrats to you for all the success so far, 20 years is a nice reason to celebrate, but I’m sure there will be many more opportunities for celebration in the future.
All the best, dear friends!
Igor Soviček and the entire DPS Renomia team